Observations from independent monitorsYearObservations (IM visits)202211 (1)92Severity:HighMediumLowUnknown
Observations by category2022Severity:HighMediumLowUnknownLocal population rights & labor regulationsTimber harvestingTimber processingTaxes, fees and royalties
Severity:HighMediumLowUnknownLocal population rights & labor regulationsTimber harvestingTimber processingTaxes, fees and royalties
Local population rights & labor regulations2Nonfulfillment of contractual obligations3Recruitment/management of workers in breach of labour lawsTimber harvesting1Non respect of procedures related to impact assessments or inventories1Nonrespect of management plan1Default on markings on logs, stumps, other wood products1Abandonment of timberTimber processing1Timber processing facility not in place when requiredTaxes, fees and royalties1Default on payments of tax